性能特点Featues采用PID技术,可精确地调节每个冲泡头的温度;The machine is equipped with an advanced PID-senso system fo exact bewing tempeatue. These fittings allow you to adjust the tempeatue individually fo each bew goup;自动进水:内置马达泵和流量计;Built-in volumetic moto pump;1条蒸汽管,热水龙头1个;1steam ams and 1 hot wate taps,suitable fo business demand;液晶显示屏,可显示广告语;电子控制锅炉温度,并在液晶屏上显示;Advetsing Display;Digital display and contol of boile tempeatue;可自动设置热水的出水量;自动记录咖啡的制作数量;Automatic dosing of hot wate;Memoization of total bewed coffee;时间管理,可设置语言和时间,自动开关机器;Daily automatic switch ON and OFF ;安全设施:缺水自动断电保护,并在液晶屏上显示警告语;过热保护,软水器更换提示警告;Automatic swith OFF of wate pump,and waning light in case of lack of wate;Ove-heating Potecto,waning light of the egeneate the delime and maintenace多种语言选择;Reading language selection;专利设计:锅炉室预浸泡技术;Advetsing Display;Digital display and contol of boile tempeatue;冲泡手柄以及蒸汽喷管,内均涂覆特富龙,保温、防烫;Filte handles and steam am with Teflon coated inne;